Tuesday, July 3, 2007


The problem with being back actually is in answering the questions:
  • So, where were you?
  • Why did you stop blogging?
  • Why are you blogging again?

forgive me, my hundred thousand and one readers, if i forego the task of answering these.

you know me (or you think you do). you more or less have an idea of how this blog is gonna run. in the past, i have shown you what i like and don't like. so maybe it's going to be that way still. or not. or maybe i'll find a way to surprise you a little.

here's the offer. don't expect anything, and maybe you won't be disappointed, ayt?

let's go for a fresh start.


Anonymous said...

hey you, john. :)

Rhea Paredes said...

nice to see you again. :)

mrs.h. said...

glad ur back be! change my blog add to simbahandinangtuloy.blogspot. hehe. =) mwah!

{illyria} said...

well, hello, stranger. don't know if i was supposed to find you, but i'm glad i did.

i go by {illyria} now, fyi. :)

the addict said...


nice to be back

hmmm. will think about it.

sorry dear. i remember you that way. hehehe. will edit accordingly.


i can't believe i'm blogging again.