First babe post of this location
So I've been watching the 6th season of Emmy award winning TV-series 24, even if ida says it's not as good as the past ones. I'm kinda getting hints of that right now, but the superhuman-android-John McClane (Die Hard) clone-"you can't kill me" aura of Jack Bauer can still keep me glued to the screen for hours.
Add to that the reward of seeing her face on the screen: Marisol Nichols.

I'm just at episode 11, and her interaction with the people has been less than that of Kim Bauer in the preceding seasons, which is a bummer. I don't know if I'll be seeing the ever hawt Elisha Cuthbert this season, but Marisol's Latina hotness, and that intelligent-competent-kickass air she's got going is enough to keep me watching the series as of the moment.
here are more pics:

nice eh?
[=========== ]
and for my game post, if you'll allow me to call it that.
We all watched the seminal treatise on human and alien robot interaction - the Transformers.
It is common practice now in the media industry to have the game huffing and puffing after the movie is released. As for "Transformers - The Game", here's my review:
[semi-disclaimer: they say it plays nice on a console e.g. XBox or PSwhatever. But for us PC-gamers who are used to a little more depth on the story line and game play, and not just the mind-blowing graphics, you gotta do a little better than that.]
wandering storyteller said...
my own words about Transformers the Game:
'scuse my French.
July 17, 2007 6:01 PM
[ed. - language understood brother. usage may not be by others.]
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